Block demonstration

Women farmers community field

Village meeting

Project councel

Contour farming

Katesh farmers Tanzania

Fertilizer field trial

Dareda Farmers Field Day

Zero grazing stable

Farmers field day

Soya bean trial exhibit

Farmers visit Songea

Soya bean fertilizer trial

Farmers project visit Songea, Tanzania

Rice variety trial

Farmers visit Mto wa Mbu, Tanzania


Rice harvesting

Rice trial harvesting Mto wa Mbu

pigeon pea

pigeon pea maize intercrop mature

sunflower in full bloom

sunflower in full bloom

Rice trial Mto wa Mbu

Rice trial Mto wa Mbu Tanzania

Rice trial farmers

Rice trial farmers visit Mto wa Mbu Tanzania

rice field Tunduru

rice field Tunduru Tanzania

pigeon pea stalks

pigeon pea stalks

Rice harvesting

Rice trial harvesting Mto wa Mbu

pigeon pea maize

pigeon pea maize intercrop mature

magugu rice trial

Rice trial magugu Tanzania



Soil conservation

Soil conservation measures

Sunflower cultivation

sunflower cultivation and processing

Post Harvest

Post harvest techniques


Maize Bean intercrop, Mbulu, Tanzania

Organic Manure

Composting and manuring

Rice growing

Rice fertilizer trials Tanzania

Agricultural extension

Farmes field days Tanzania

Zero grazing

Zero grazing farmers’field day

Maize cultivation

Growing maize in Tanzania